Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Yuppie smackdown in Hooville

Dog + dropped leash + moving car = dead dog

Crisis was averted. The dog lunged at me and narrowly missed getting hit by its owners car. Yeah, she didn't apologize for her dog's misbehavior. Nice.

I don't think I am getting invited to their Christmas party.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Drop out advice for Type A Personalities

I am at a crossroads. I am currently toying with the idea of dropping out of school. It just seems to be too much to work and go to school.

Here is my pro and con list:

1. no HW
2. I get my life back
3. time to origami

1. HW
2. no 4 hour classes
3. Career SCUD missile

I just don't feel the love for this program. I feel like I am slogging through and not enjoying it. And I seem obsessed with the HW issue.