Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My take on the US Chamber of Commerce kerfluffle

Shame on the US Chamber of Commerce!

The Washington Post wrote an article about the US Chamber of Commerce's
recent actions regarding a possible economic analysis of the Health Bill. See

Apparently the US Chamber of Commerce wanted to get a really important Economist to study the health bill and write that health insurance reform is bad for the economy. Oh yeah, and get other important Economists to sign a letter that they agree.

Well, this makes me sick to my stomach. Anybody who signs onto this project is really whoring themselves to the highest bidder. The US Chamber of Commerce really shot themselves in the foot. Can anyone trust their analysis? Hell no. Don't trust any organization that manipulates or predetermines the outcome of a study.

I am a Republican, but I want an honest analysis of the health bill. Who can we trust to give a non-partisan analysis.

Passive Aggressive Behavior on Public Transport

I sat next to a somewhat normal looking person on the metro today. She immediately jacked up the volume on her ipod. It was a very annoying song from Beyonce. I took out my blackberry and googled "I hate people who play IPODS too loud on the Train." Then I typed "Why I hate DC." I'll be damned if the lady didn't turn down the volume. She was eavedropping on my blackberry! This made my day.