Monday, December 13, 2010

Who's going to check me boo?

I am so pissed off I can hardly type right now. My coworker asked for my help again and then said "Oh you burned out after that."

What a Bitch! I told that Bitch off.

I really wanted to make her cry but I held off. If I was really honest, I would have told her that her math skills suck. Yes, an economic sucker punch.

I am kind of sad because this is one of my little econ grasshoppers who I helped navigate the darwinan world at work. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that the grasshopper bit me in the ass. Grasshopper has evolved to locust. Locust destroys surrounding mammals and creates scorched earth.

Well karmas a bitch and I am ready for vengeance. Ooh this makes me feel so tingly.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Recap 2010 and wish list

It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. Consumers continued to buy stupid stuff and support the Chinese economy, Apple, and Farmville. Angry German Central Bankers continued to be very angry at Italy, Greece, and pretty much anyone who got in their way.

We found out that many Mediterranean countries were hotbeds of statistical corruption and made the Chinese government look like proverbial saints. My advice, check your numbers.

On to Ireland, thanks guys! You are the new Iceland!

On a happier note, the Larry Summers Reign of Terror is coming to an end.

Thanks Santa, you really do read your letters!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nominal or real?

Economists like to discuss whether things are in current dollars or real dollars. It just makes our head spin that prices can affect valuation of everything. I think this explains why most of us are slightly neurotic. Anywhoo, I am currently examining what i want to do career wise. Do I hang in for the stability, seniority or forge ahead at a different agency? I put a high price on my work happiness...most of the assholes at work have retired. Perhaps I should stay. If I go I might be happier but I might be stressed out too.

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead!

Larry Summers is leaving! Our national nightmare is over! I think there is hope for our country that someone else on the economic team will be able to have an opinion!

Don't let the door kick you in the ass!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Shut Up and Deal

I had to work with the Albatross today. I basically got a smackdown talk and was told that I was lucky to get any work out of him at all. It makes my skin crawl.

I am so fucking angry about it. I just have two more weeks and this person is out of my life. I just imagine wrapping my fingers around his neck and squeezing the life out of him. Then I would stab him with my fountain pen or sharpie. I also thought about setting his office on fire using purrell. Don't worry, I just read Mr. Peanut and wanting to kill the Albatross just makes me feel a little bit better.

"And I had done an hellish thing,
And it would work 'em woe:
For all averred, I had killed the bird
That made the breeze to blow.
Ah wretch! said they, the bird to slay
That made the breeze to blow!"

Thanks Coleridge!

OK now I feel better!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Hollywood shoutout

I have crush on Eli Roth! So joli laide! Goodbye Adrien Brody...I got a new Hollywood crush!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hell is Other Economists

I am currently doing two jobs at work, my actual job and my co-worker's job. He has just mentally checked out because his retirement is two weeks away. Our acting branch chief actually asked one of us to volunteer to host his retirement party. I did not step up.

I really don't have time for party planning. I just wish we could just jetison him out of the building in a torpedo tube. Quick, cheap, and efficient.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Privatization Hangover

Nothing puts me in a right, Republican rage, than McDonnell's ABC privatization plans! Governor McDonnell is pushing for the ABC stores to be privatized so that the state of virginia can make beaucoup bucks for one fiscal year and fix the transportation crisis. Don't let him do it Virginia citizens! I am all about free markets, but privatizing the ABC stores is a bad idea during difficult economic times.

The ABC stores are cash cows. In 2009, they generated about 111 million in profits which were allocated to education and the Virginia General Fund. If the government Privatizes ABC stores, they estimate that they will get a ONE TIME 500 million dollar revenue bump from selling but it is unclear how much revenue will be generated over time. So basically, Government McDonnell looks great in 2011 and is out of office before the revenue hangover hits.

I haven't seen the state publish an analysis of this issue which makes it fishy as hell. Why would you mess around with something that actually works?! And in the most difficult economic climate since the 2001 recession?

Question authority! It needs to be decided by the citizens as a referendum, not this governor.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fred Malek, Hater of Statistics and the chosen people

There has been alot of controversy lately over Fred Malek, VA state government honcho and chair of commissions to troubleshoot VA state issues. This man served in the Nixon administration and did a census of Jewish folk and Jewish sounding surnames in the BLS Nixon ordered it because of an unfavorable employment data release and the President thought it was a 'Jewish Conspiracy.'

This man is now in a position of power in the state government and it frightens me. How can we trust a man that put together a memo like that? Please find someone else Governor McDonnell. So we will probably hear some Mea Culpas, but I think find that disengenous. He actively involved himself in targeting people because his boss said to do it. Hmmm, I wonder where I heard that before?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Who cares, its just hockey!

I am currently underwhelmed with DC hockey. I just get annoyed with the extra people on Metro. I am still alive. I am not on the 10 most Economist wanted list or anything like that. No, the Obama Administration is much more subtle than that! I am just kidding about that! Free speech and all. It is free as long as you aren't on company time. They kind of remprimanded us via e-mail. Hey, if the white house blogs why can't we?

I am very annoyed with the IMF at the moment. Helooo, did anyone notice that Greek government is not the most ethical when it comes to statistics. Perhaps, IMF you should have done some due diligence.

The Greek Government blames the statistical agency but that is ridiculous. Don't they check the numbers?

This may not be a major issue for the US but I do feel kind of bad for the EU. I feel a little bit bad for them, well as much empathy for socialists as I can muster.

Monday, January 11, 2010

State of the Union

Well, I unofficially quit graduate school. It is a terrible yet freeing feeling. I can devote my time to crafting and making humanity a better place. Oh hell no. I think I am just going to read more than what I usually do. I'll figure out what else later on.

I am trying not to kill my co-worker, who I call the "Albatross." It would be a damn shame since he is so close to retirement. I am going to drink champagne and eat fancy cheese on his last day. I am doing both his job and my job right now. I have met crazier people than he, but he is honestly the most lazy and incompetant person I have ever met.

I love writing about consumers who panic and cause shortages. I dunno, maybe I am an evil economist. Oh no, wait that title goes to Larry Summers.