Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Nasty coworkers and other dark tales

Wow, I wasn't fired today! It might have been a mercy.

I have the meanest coworker on the planet. I have never met anyone so painful to be around. Honestly I am a little afraid of her. During Halloween, she gave out really nice candy bars. I don't trust her enough to actually eat the candy bar. This alarms me greatly.

She was in a particularly schizo mood today. She varied between ignoring me and criticizing my sense of direction. I unfortunately had to go to a meeting with her. I usually try to avoid her. Today it was impossible to avoid Shoopie.

There isn't alot that I can do to aggravate Shoopie; she is in a foul mood most of the time. So I make the best use of my arsenal. I have a Shoopie Indicator. I am for +5 score as "good" on my performance indictor!

Weapon Reaction Effect
"Good Morning" Glare +5
"How are you" Grimace +3
"How was you weekend?" Groan, look of pain +10
"How is your cat?" Happy -10
"Vacation" Varies -5 to +5
"I need your help" Evil Eye +25
"I have a question" Loss of consciousness +50

Now I am going to listen to some Trance and think about my younger years.

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