Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Post office party trash talk

Warning, the following post contains un-Christmas like sentiments. Read at your own risk.

Well today was the big day. Our Secret Santas were unveiled. I am not sure who mine is because they did not show up at the unveil. No, I don't think it was fear, I just think they were too busy.

I do know that my Secret Santa was very cheap. And I spent way too much money. Yes, I know this isn't a very charitable thought. I should be grateful yadda yadda yadda. OK, I am over it.

Oh my gawd. The proverbial stuff hit the fan today. The entire Division is moving staff around and Buffy is moving too! I am sorry to see Buffy go....I really am. She talks too much but I really do like her. Other staff are moving as well. People are threatening to resign and/or look for other jobs quit over this. Wow, this is just the thing to boost morale over the holidays! I really don't know what they are thinking. They should have waited after the New Year to go forward. Now people are going to stew and plot over this.

I may be the only one left after this year is up. I think everyone else is going to retire or quit.

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