Friday, April 03, 2009

The week in review

I almost bought a T-Shirt that says that "Stupid People Make My Head Hurt." I think it is very appropriate for this week. I am not sure how I got though it.

Work really sucks and it isn't just because the economy sucks. No this general suckiness was manmade and completely preventable. We currently experienced a regime change and the whole organization was switched about. And it wasn't because the Democrats are in office!

It seems like this organization shifts itself about every five minutes. Since I have been there we Re-org'ed 3 times, i moved between five offices, 2 floors, 4 roommates, and a few meltdowns.

Do Senior Executive Staff take a course in Bureaucractic Reorganization? Every time we get a new SES person they like to move us about like chess pieces. Geez people, if it isn't broke don't fix it. You loose institutional history and expertise when you bandy people about.

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