Tuesday, August 23, 2011

DC Earthquake, an Economist's Perspective

Dateline Washington DC,8/23/11, 2:30 ish

As I contemplated the computer screen and my afternoon coffee I felt a shockwave went through the building. I felt like I just surfed a wave except I was in a very dreary office building. I thought OMG I am going to die at work because I was too lazy to go the Au Bon Pain for my coffee.

So we all exited the building and along with the rest of humanity go to McPherson Square, where all the ducks and pigeons are. The mass of humanity trampled the newly sodded grass giving new meaning due the concept of Tragedy of the Commons. The mass of humanity including me tried to call loved ones but we overwhelmed the phone system.

Our emergency contact people were nowhere to be found. We still think that some of them are sheltering in place in the building. This is an example of asymmetric information. We had some managers there and they were a little freaked out as well.

I finally just said, oh damn it all to hell, I am going home and spent the next two hours of my life stuck in traffic. I did get home. This is an example how I maximize utility, I value life units over vacay units. I think that most of DC are irrational and was afraid of people losing their shit. I figure I should get out first when I got the chance. That isn't an economic theory, just something I learned from Aliens. Thanks James Cameron!

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