Monday, December 13, 2010

Who's going to check me boo?

I am so pissed off I can hardly type right now. My coworker asked for my help again and then said "Oh you burned out after that."

What a Bitch! I told that Bitch off.

I really wanted to make her cry but I held off. If I was really honest, I would have told her that her math skills suck. Yes, an economic sucker punch.

I am kind of sad because this is one of my little econ grasshoppers who I helped navigate the darwinan world at work. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that the grasshopper bit me in the ass. Grasshopper has evolved to locust. Locust destroys surrounding mammals and creates scorched earth.

Well karmas a bitch and I am ready for vengeance. Ooh this makes me feel so tingly.