Monday, February 18, 2008

Finch vs the yuppies

In my neck of the surburbs, the finches are ruthless little beasts. They chitter, they nest, they expell horrible horrible things on the brick. Basically, they are a bane to humanity. They also like to build their homes in our dryer vents. As you can very well imagine, this is a serious fire hazard.

Today I saw my neighbors trying to clean out their dryer vent of finch material. These are the same neighbors who ignored my husband when he told them of the finch problem. Most of the neighbors have little grid metal covers over their dryer vents. The wife just stared at us and as we walked along the sidewalk. I don't wave now unless waved too. She gave us a half assed wave. We saluted back.

It only takes one village idiot to burn down the planned community.

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