Saturday, November 06, 2004

Bad kitty

Oh my. I have found more original ART on the web.

This kitty looks really angry. I am not kidding. I think I am going to go to hell for criticizing other people's will be worth it in this case!

I find this picture really odd. The kitten has no eyelids. Also, the kitty is in the center of the painting surrounded by strategically placed flowers. OK, I've never seen any cat look that intent unless it was dinner time. And I don't see any kitty kibble around this kitten.

Oh good lord, the kitty is just surreal. Does it just hang out in the garden look surprised all day?

OK, must hold back...cannot stop commenting. The seems to be coming from up above. There is too much light on its head. It is almost angelic. But it looks surprised. Perhaps it is looking at a hawk on a really bright day. Is it thinking, I think the hawk is going to....oh no, why, I am too cute to die, surprise, urp, the end.

Maybe Death be a pineapple tonight!

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