Thursday, January 03, 2008

Bed, Bath, and Bitchiness

Over the Christmas holiday, I had to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to buy an essential item. Don't ask me what it was. Just understand that I needed it and BB&B was the only convienent place to get it.

I had the misfortune to be in the slowest line ever. On a positive note, I got to hear this guy bitch about returning his Braun Tassimo TA 1400 Hot Beverage System
coffee maker. He discussed his complaints about this coffee maker with the store clerk. The entire line just gawked.

Complaint List:

1. a standard coffee mug doesn't fit in the cup slot
My counter argument: You don't drink capuccinos in giant coffee mugs because you can die from that much caffeine! And have you ever heard of pyrex?

2. I have to stand there and push a button.
My counter argument: Don't you have to push a button for a drip coffee maker?

3. I can't believe the Tassimo TA 1400 Hot Beverage System is a Braun product
My counter argument: None. The relationsip between electric shavers and coffee makers perplexed me.

Thank you Mr. Coffee Maker guy. I had no idea the return line could be so entertaining.

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