Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Flying to DC in Third World conditions

Good lord, I hope I never have to fly Thankgiving weekend ever in my whole live. I say this year after year, and as you know those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

I can't believe it but I miss my super efficient, blackberry texting, non-smelly airport denizens in DC. They line up, they don't usually smell, and they respect my personal space. Unfortunately, this did not happen in the airport I flew out of. I saw some line rage. It was scary. But I got pushed to the edge too when one family of 6 people tried to cut me in the TSA line. I had to speak up or I was going to miss my flight. I said "Hi, I am in back of this family" and I took my little box for coat and acountrements. That was just the final straw. I made my flight with minutes to spare. Thank god, because I don't think I could have dealt with the patchouli smelling people any more. Geez, I wonder why the drug K9 was drooling when he came by to check out the people in front of me in line! I personally got cursed out by some people with delightful Jamaican accents. It is so much nicer when they say, "Get a move on!"

This airport was in the US but it seemed like third world service. The people who worked at the airport kept on screaming at people who tried to ask them questions.
Good god man, the horror the horror!

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