Monday, July 13, 2009

I hate DC in the summertime

On metrorail, there is a is a stink to seat ratio in the summer. The empty seats are usually next to stinky and/or crazy people. I typically use a five point scale.

1 Point Moderate stinky/no craziness
2 Points Slightly stinky/no craziness
3 Points Odorific
4 Points Visible Dirt, cloud of dust and fumes
5 Points Oscar the Grouch would be proud!/Randome muttering or cursing

If they are 1-2 points I can handle. After 3, hasta la vista baby. Unfortunately, today I sat next to a #4. It was a stealthy stinky person. It was too crowded to move! Oh the horror!

I should have used some vicks vapo rub under my nostrils! The man smelled like death!

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