Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Lightning DOLTs

Well, I haven't been fired yet so that was a good start to the day. I am still waiting for the hammer of injustice to fall. But at least I have lots of anecdotes from the Department of Literal Things (DOLT) for short.

Today was an auspicious day at DOLT. A herd of Generation Ys congregated around a computer to discuss the upcoming softball league lineup. They were strategizing to optimize their maximum productive synergistic potential. Yes, they were going to go play against and try to dominate another government agency's softball team. The "Lightening DOLTS" may go mano a mano with various teams such as the "Polka DOTs" , "D'OHS, "WHOos", "Mighty mighty DOS tones" or the "MEATAballs."

Best of luck "Lightening DOLTS" I wish you well, unleash the dogs of hell and all that.

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