Monday, February 27, 2006

Metro escalator attacks!

My day started out swell! I had a dentist appointment. It was pure torture. My appointment went OK but the patient next door wasn't doing too well. Mr. Dentist told her she may not be going home with all her teeth due to "insert medical language here."

Brush and floss. For God sakes, brush and floss everybody!!!

Anyway, I go home and then venture off the Van Dorn Metro to start my commute. I got my yoga mat and about 25 lbs of stuff in my backpack. I walk up the escalator and shish boom bam I bop my shin on the escalator! I screech like a banshee! The escalator has drawn blood. Thank god I feel partially on my yoga mat! Otherwise I may have had a broken wrist.

At this point I turn around and go home. And for a time I crawl under the covers.

I'm not kidding.

Escalator 1 Economist 0

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