Wednesday, January 18, 2006

According to the Cameron Station Bee

In case you don't know, there has numerous package thefts in my Alexandria neigborhood over the Christmas holiday. This has caused much consternation and unease among the yuppies.

Our local coffee place, Cameron Perks, began to offer a package delivery service. You could have your stuff shipped to the Coffee shop and they will charge you $3 to hand over your package/hostage. No, I'm not knocking them for charging ransom money. I think they are providing a valuable service during these troubling times.

Anyway, UPS, Fedex, DHL stopped dropping off any packages on people's front doors in Cameron Station. So if you wanted to get your ChristmassHanukahKwanza stuff, you had to go and pick it up at their warehouses. I personally lost a Monastery fruitcake because UPS would not believe I actually wanted my fruitcake dropped at my front door. They returned it to the Monastery in Berryville. I know....poor me. But I love those damn fruitcakes.

I digress. So in January 2006, I receive the latest edition of the Cameron Station Bee, the community newsletter. The thief was arrested! The details were shocking!

Here they are:
1. The thief was a neighbor!
2. The thief had 60 packages!!!
3. An alert UPS delivery driver noticed this lady stalking the truck. He called the Alexandria PD and they came and got her!

And I wonder.....did this lady steal people's trashcans? I "lost" 2 and also 2 valuable recycle bins mysteriously.

I can rest easy now, knowing that my LL Bean order is safe!

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