Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Another day, another spreadsheet

I didn't get fired today.  I think this is an accomplishment.  I thought surely the ax was going to fall on Monday.  I am not a bad person or anything.  I just got off to a really really bumpy start with some people.  God knows getting along is a requirement for a good employee at the Department of Literal-Things (DOLT) for short.  The motto here is "We think so you don't have to." So maybe my guardian angel is looking out for me.  If that is the case, I just want to say to my guardian angel, good job, I don't know what you did or which senior anager you talked to but I am extremely relieved to still have my job.  I really want to work at DOLT I really really do.  Thank you ever so much guardian angel, my next spreadsheet is dedicated to you!

So today was my first not-so-horrible day at work.  I hope this trend continues.  God knows downward trends are bad things, especially for the messenger. Even DC wasn't as humid as usual.  I wish the Founding Fathers wrote in the constitution that all government business should cease or transfer to a cooler place during the god-awful summers in DC.  Perhaps, the government should move to someplace nice during the summer like Seattle.  The DC locals would get a break and other parts of the country could enjoy being a part of the "beltway experience." 

I think on my next vacation I will go someplace cold.       

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