Saturday, July 31, 2004

I'd like House Fries with that!

Thank goodness, I still haven't been fired. I am pleased that I still have a job. Last week I was sent on a very important mission, get my metro check allowance. Metrocheck is a wonderful thing. Basically, DOLT is subsidizing my commute to work via metro or other environmentally friendly option. All I needed to do was find the Department of Public Transportation and plead my case before the metrocheck clerks. Based on my ability to say please and forms filed in triplicate beforehand, I might be be allowed to go the metro dole.

First I had to find DOPT. Then I had to find my way to the correct DOPT building. DOPT is in a very modern confusing building whose entry points make absolutely no sense. Thank goodness one of the HR persons at DOLT gave me a map and wished me the best of luck on my metrocheck mission. As I left DOLT, I checked if I had all my DC necessities. Metrocard, check, bottled water, check, mugger money, check, book, check, sense of direction, check, ability to withstand orange people, check. And away I went.

My trip to DOPT went just fine! The metro check clerks were cheerful and quite unlike the Beetlejuice like clerks that I imagined. Since I was in the hood, I thought I'd drop by a Hill cafeteria for a nice lunch. Everything was find until I ordered.

I told the person I wanted a club sandwich with FRENCH FRIES! I heard absolute silence. I looked up and saw that FRENCH FRIES were HOUSE FRIES. Quel horreur! Zut alors I made a major faux pas! J'ai un mal a la tet! Thank goodness people starting breathing again and the sandwich clerk looked at my badge. I hope he thought I was a stupid young intern.....and it was ok I said something so stupide!

Anyway, they gave me my sandwich and HOUSE FRIES. It was very good. I do need to be more careful what I say around people!

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