Saturday, July 31, 2004

Post nest distress syndrome

Hello again from the field. I happen'ed upon a group of young generation WHY males near my work pod chatting about life and how crummy it is. Oh the poor things. They are learning how to make their way in the world and they are lamenting how college was soooo much better. I am not sure how long I can listen or observe. I might burst into uncontrollable laughter or tears depending upon their little songs. Oh it is very difficult to be objective with the field subjects! Everything is about ME ME ME.

One of the fledglings tweeted about surviving in DC. Yes this is something I could relate too! Well, almost. The fledgling discussed how his parents financially supported him during college. They paid for his car, apartment, clothes, grooming products, and inessentials. Now they paid nothing! He was on his own in this cold world. He had to pay for everything with his own money! That he made! And he still had the same car that he did in college! Oh MY GOD! And he has to pay to have the hoopte fixed. I listened and did not understand why this was so surprising to the field subject. Why why why! That is why they are called Generation Y. I think the field subject is suffering from post nest distress synydrome. It is a common affliction at DOLT.

Post nest distress syndrome is the reaction to a new job, unhappy hours, hoopte bills, crazy girl or boyfriends or both, and relating this to someone who has exactly the same problem. This affliction can be resolved through aging, firing, or graduate school. Graduate school seems to fix the problems if fledgling support is continued. Or it may backfire and cause mixed feelings and dating people much too young. Certain professors have mild cases. Be careful and be aware of all of these signs.

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