Friday, July 16, 2004

Enemy Mine

Oh my god.  Shoobie was in a really really bad mood today.  She pestered me about everything.  She wants to know where I went to school,  how long I have been married, and the rest of my curriculum vitae. She is really in my face.  Shoobie I wish I could just shoop shoop shoop you under the carpet and not have to deal with you.  She wants to know all these things because she is totally psycho and possibly feeling challenged.  Already, she has tried to make me look like a dum dum in front of the senior staff.  I thought the staff at this government agency would have more class. False advertising to say the least! Shoobie, here is the 411 sweetie, you may have a graduate degree but you have no manners. Shoobie, you are no Dan Quayle.  I never met Dan Quayle but if I did, I am quite sure he would be nicer than you Shoobie.   

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