Saturday, July 17, 2004

Field Observations

On Thursday, I observed a nest of post-graduate K street metro-sexuals feasting upon salad and talking politics.  It was very exciting.  I don't usually see them in such close proximity to each other.  They tend to stay in front of their computers and go out for occasional breaks to groom themselves for post-work mating rituals at outdoor cafes.  I was sitting in the cafeteria eating my BLT and reading Vanity Fair when they arrived en masse.
They put down their salads from Cosi and started to talk about structural adjustment and how debt should be forgiven to these least developed "third world" countries.  I chuckled to myself when I heard that.  I think the closest they have been to a third world country is going to Cancun for spring break. 
Anyway, I digress.  One of the group said that the United States should just take over these poor countries and renovate them.  What?  Is that the proper economic term for it?  There were many hoots and hollers after that comment. I think he just lost status with the rest of the tribe.  Poor thing I don't think he is going to get a invite to the Friday happy hour.  He might as well get his hair styling products and designer sunglasses out of his locker and go home.  I have one word of advice, take a taxi, metro is on non-rush hour train around 12:30 PM.  You could be standing in the train station at McPherson Square for a good 15 minutes and your hair gel might melt.
Finally, it was 12:55 PM.  I thoroughly enjoyed my observation post, but, I must go back to my work station.  Next week, if they don't fire me, I will come back to this watering hole and observe other lunch rituals.  Signing off from the field.

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